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Running on trails is different than running on the track, playground, or roads.  The runner will encounter various surfaces including mowed lawn, gravel pathways, roots, rocks, rutted surfaces, high grass, underbrush, and mud. 


Runners need to pay attention. Most runners typically focuses on the trail 5’-15’ in front of them and look for trail markings (typically placed at ground level).  But most importantly, have fun!


When outside for practices always wear sunscreen and bug spray and check for ticks after practice.



        Always wear sunscreen and bug spracy when we are outside. Check for ticks after practices. Bring water and a yoga mat to practice. Dress in layers so that if you get hot you have layers to tak off and if you get cold you have enough layers to stay warm.  Its usually good to bring a towel for after practice because the athltes will get muddy on the trails.


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